Digital Learning Days Plan


Dear ACPA Families,

ACPA builds ten calamity days into its yearly calendar. Due to the fire at Fort Rapids, issues with HVAC, weather, and our sprinkler system failure, we have exhausted our calamity days. In the event of another school closure, ACPA will transition to virtual learning to continue providing quality education to our students. This plan is to be implemented in the event of school closing due to disease epidemic, hazardous weather conditions, law enforcement emergencies, inoperability of school transportation, damage to the school facility, other temporary circumstances that causes the school facility to be unfit or unsafe for use.

Here are a few key things to know in the event of a building closure:

  1. Bell Schedule: We will follow the same bell schedule as an in-person school day. Classes will start and end at their usual times. The bell schedule is attached at the end of this message.
  2. Google Meet: Students will log into their courses via Google Meet for each period. Links to the meetings will be available on their Schoology class pages.
  3. Attendance: Teachers will take attendance at the start of each period, just like during in-person classes.
  4. Instruction and Work Time: Teachers will offer online synchronous learning opportunities.

We appreciate your support and cooperation as we adapt to these virtual learning days. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or encounter any technical difficulties. In the event of a building closure, there will be a Google Meet link on our school website for the first hour of the day in order to help students and families through any immediate issues they may encounter.

Thank you,
ACPA Administration

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