Below is expanded information for graduation-related tests that high school students take at ACPA. State and National testing is a mandatory requirement for students per Ohio Law. Students are required to take the End of Course exams and the ACT during their designated testing windows. Make-up sessions will be scheduled for students who miss some or all of their required testing. Please email Eric Gerlach (gerlach@artcollegeprep.org) with any questions.
State Testing (End of Course Exams)
In addition to the Ohio graduation test score requirements (see Graduation Requirements: Competency), ACPA students must take six different state End of Course Exams (EOCs), each given at the end of their respective year-long courses. This typically looks like the following:
9th grade: Algebra I
10th grade: Geometry, ELA II (English 10), Biology, American History
11th grade: American Government
Students may have a slightly different EOC pathway for various circumstances. Only the Algebra I and ELA II EOCs must be retaken if the competency score was not reached. Algebra 1 and ELA 2 must also be taken by students who transferred to ACPA after completing the respective course without taking the EOC, or any student who has otherwise not yet taken the EOC after completing the course.
The Biology, American History, and American Government EOCs may contribute toward other graduation requirements (see Graduation Requirements: Readiness). Students have the option to retake these tests in attempt to earn the test score criteria for the Science and/or Citizenship seals.
National Testing (ACT)
All ACPA juniors will take the state and district required ACT during their spring semester. This school year’s ACT date is Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Students will take the test at ACPA during the school day at no cost. Students are expected to show up on-time, prepared, and to stay for the remainder of the school day after completing the test.
- Breakfast for juniors will be served in the ACPA Café from 8:00-8:50 am. They get a free coffee drink and will be able to skip ahead of the line when they arrive.
- Testing will begin promptly at 9:00 am. Bus riders are encouraged to reach out to friends and family to arrange a different mode of transportation for the day in order to arrive on time. Contact Sarah Silver (silver@artcollegeprep.org) for any transportation concerns.
- What to bring:
- Required - ACPA issued Chromebook and charger (have the it charged prior to arriving)
- Encouraged - a personal calculator if you have one (many graphing calculators are permitted; all math questions can be answered without a calculator.)
More information about the testing day will be communicated through the newsletter and announcements in the spring.
ACPA provides free ACT test prep through both Naviance and Home Base lessons. Students who achieve certain scores on the ACT may qualify for the College-Ready graduation seal and/or meet one of the requirements for the honors diploma.
Taking the ACT multiple times often leads to an increase in a student’s test score. Students may take/retake the ACT outside of school, but it requires additional transportation or cost. Contact Eric Gerlach (gerlach@artcollegeprep.org) to find out if you qualify for an ACT fee waiver.
AP Testing
ACPA currently offers AP Calculus and AP Art courses. More information on the AP Calculus exam and AP Art portfolio will come soon. You may reach out to the AP Calculus teacher (Maekenzie Yeung; yeung@artcollegeprep.org) or the AP Art teacher (Brooke Hunter-Lombardi; hunter-lombardi@artcollegeprep.org) with questions about the courses or exam/portfolio content.
More Information
Ohio Department of Education: End of Course Tests
Free ACT test prep - includes testing information, practice questions, and samples of official ACT tutoring/classes
ACPA’s testing coordinator is Eric Gerlach (Mr. G). You may contact him at gerlach@artcollegeprep.org with any questions about testing unrelated to transportation.