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February Principals' Message
Dear ACPA Caregivers,
What an exciting and eventful Term 3 it has been so far! We've had some phenomenal events with more to come, and I hope you've been able to see or hear about them from your students. The energy and enthusiasm from our school community have been remarkable.
As we find ourselves halfway through the term, I encourage you to check your student’s progress on PowerSchool. Now is a great time to have conversations with your student(s) about how they're feeling academically and socially. Are they on track with their goals? How can we all work together to support their continued success?
In such a busy and complex world, I also want to highlight the importance of staying engaged with your child's school life. A few conversation starters could include:
- What POD are you in this semester? Are you happy with your choice?
- What are your math goals, and how are you doing with ALEKS?
Thank you for being such an essential part of the ACPA Community. We’re looking forward to seeing everyone at our annual Black History Month Showcase & Open House on Friday, February 21st at 5:30pm!
All the best,
Aaron Wagner & Catherine McMillin
High School Principals
High School News, Events, and more
Important Dates
February 21 - Black History Month Showcase & Open House
February 27 - Conferences (No School)
February 28 - No School (Comp Day)
March 13 - End of Term 2
March 13-16 - Spring Musical
March 14 - No School (Teacher Work Day)
March 20 - Band Lab Showcase
March 24-28 - Spring Break (No School)
March 31 - Eid al-Fitr (No School)
April 11 - Dance Concert
April 17 - Beats, Ballads, & Artist Palettes (Percussion, Vocal Music, and AP Art)
April 18 - No School (Good Friday)
April 21 - No School
April 25 - Prom
May 1 - Film Festival
May 22 - Last Day of School
May 23 - Graduation
Daily Announcements
College Credit Plus Info Night
Click below to review information distributed at CCP Info Night
Senior Night
Click below to review information distributed at Senior Night
Want to get involved?
Join the ACPA Caregiver Group! We meet monthly to discuss ideas, share information, and brainstorm ways to support our vibrant community.
Policies & Updates
Device Policy 24-25
ACPA Families: An important change is taking place at ACPA High School this year. We will not be permitting wireless communication devices at ACPA. Click to view the full Device Policy.
Digital Learning Days Plan
Attendance Reminder
Hello ACPA families! This is a reminder that if your student arrives to school after 8:55 without a valid excuse, each minute missed counts as unexcused. After 72 hours of unexcused absences, Ohio law states a student is considered truant.
Your student's attendance is vital to their academic success, and even just a few minutes of consistently being late adds up. Please help ensure your child is arriving to school before 8:55AM each day. As always, if you need support please don't hesitate to reach out to us by phone (614-986-9974) or email (silver@artcollegeprep.org). Thank you for working with us to help your child thrive!
College, Career, & Counseling
Important Things
Students may arrive as early as 7:30am
School Day: 8:55am-4:05pm
After School Program: 4:15pm-6:15pm
STUDENT EMAIL accounts (Gmail) have been created for your student. Their email address follows the below naming conventions:
- Email addres: firstname.lastname@artcollegeprep.org
- Password: acpa + graduation year
- Example
- Email: aaron.wagner@artcollegeprep.org
- Password: acpa2027
LOCKERS are available in limited quantities; please submit your request here.
CHROMEBOOKS will be distributed on the 1st day of school
BUSSING: If you're a new student or have questions about bussing, please contact transportation@artcollegeprep.org
CARPOOLS: ACPA students live all throughout Columbus and ACPA helps connect nearby families to form carpools. Please visit the ACPA Carpool Facebook Group
BREAKFAST AND LUNCH is available for $2.00 and $3.80, respectively. Please visit our School Meals page for more information.
NAVIGATING THE PARKING LOT - Click here to view our drop-off/pick-up procedures.
For additional information, please visit our FAQ page.