Using Naviance
Naviance is a great place for the whole family to start with college planning. This great resource allows students and families to investigate, research, track, and plan for the college admission process. It’s an excellent site for freshmen through seniors and their families.
All students in grades 9-12 have a Naviance account.
What can you do on Naviance-Family Connection?
- Complete career interest and personality surveys
- Find and compare colleges using Supermatchtm college search
- Track college application deadlines
- View schedule and sign up for upcoming college rep visits to ACPA
- Search for scholarship opportunities using National Scholarship search
- Learn about different career paths through Roadtrip Nation
- Build and share a resume
- Map colleges
- Create and modify a "game plan" for the college application process
- Request letters of recommendation from specific teachers and/or counselors
- View all of the following for specific colleges: admissions requirements, student body breakdowns, majors/degrees offered, extracurricular activities offered, tuition and financial aid information, etc.