Visual Art at ACPA

ACPA's Visual Art Program

It was an incredible season for visual artists at ACPA!

  Not only have we had more art show opportunities than ever in our building, we had numerous students recognized in regional, state and national exhibits.

Central Ohio Scholastic winners (Gold and Silver Key works were on display at the Columbus College of Art & Design):

Jasmine Rose, Gold Key Portfolio

Lo Hoover, 2 Gold Keys and one Silver Key

Raquel Martinez, Silver Key

Kai Chambers, Zelma Hutton and Angel Petite - Honorable Mentions

Region 1 Ohio Youth Governor's Art Exhibition (were on display at the McConnell Art Center in Worthington)

Kai Chambers

Zelma Hutton

Raquel Marinez

Jasmine Rose

2 works in the State Level top 249 (currently on display at the Rhodes State Office Tower) and one in the Cameo Show:

Kai Chambers

ACPA visual art students have earned over a million dollars in scholarship awards to attend Columbus College of Art & Design, Cleveland Institute of Art, Art Academy of Cincinnati, Pratt Institute in Brooklyn, NY, Antioch College, Kent State University & Ohio University.

Congratulations to:

Kai Chambers

Jasmine Rose

Emma Marin

Keira Lee

Deanna Rembert

Zelma Hutton

Rye Warren

Luna Gonzalez

Floy Reed

Parker Reed

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